This little guy right here is one heck of a good reason to get up in the morning! He's our baby bear, the little man Heather and I have been waiting for for a long time. He's a fast-growing, quick-laughing, diaper-dirtying rascal with a funny little mullet of newborn hair on the back of his head. He's had his own personality (slightly stubborn) since the moment he was born. Everyday he makes us laugh, cry, and look forward to the future as he grows and matures.
Right now he's teething, which is a challenge for everyone in the family, but mostly for him. When I run a finger around the inside of his mouth I feel lots of sharp little ridges where those little teeth are about to emerge. They're causing him lots of pain, but soon they'll blossom into full-fledged baby teeth and he'll be feeling 100% again (and maybe mom and dad will get a full night's sleep once more!).
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